They say that 50 is the new 40. Yeah, right. You can hardly relate to it because at 50, all you see is rolling lards of fat and a bowel movement problem that’s been dogging you lately. These are some of the realities of aging. At 50, your metabolism reallyContinue Reading

Working out is a subjective experience. Different people have opposite views when it comes to gym activities and working out. While some live for it and work out on a daily basis, others have a hard time keeping focus on what to do next in the gym. There may beContinue Reading

Walking is one of the safest and easiest forms of exercise anyone can do. It does not require any special skill to perform, professional training, special clothing and equipment or even much physical exertion. It has many health benefits, such as help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower bloodContinue Reading

A very common adage shared about exercise is the saying, “No pain, no gain.” While this actually is intended to refer to the “muscle burn” one feels after working out with heavy weights for muscle development, some people misinterpret this to mean all forms of pain during a vigorous workoutContinue Reading