The Cambridge diet is a hugely popular diet that was established at Cambridge University in the 1970s by Dr. Alan Howard. It is a liquid diet plan that both men and women can utilize to achieve their weight loss goals.
Daily recommended values of vitamins and nutrients are met despite the low calorie diet plan. Plans start out at 415 to over 1,500 daily caloric intake.
You can lose 20 pounds with the Cambridge diet. Here’s what you need to do.
Determine if you qualify
Talk to your doctor about the feasibility of using the Cambridge diet plan for you. As with any weight loss program, it is for your own safety that you discuss your options with your physician before starting a severe weight loss regime.
If you have a preexisting medical condition, you may not be able to withstand the rigors of this restrictive diet plan. It is safe for diabetics and those suffering from high blood pressure. Under this system of weight management, meals will be replaced by shakes or Cambridge food packs that have a predetermined caloric count as well the adequate vitamins, minerals and protein levels.
If your body mass index is greater than 26, you may be a good candidate for the plan. If you have tried other diets but were met with failure, consider the Cambridge diet.
Talk to a consultant
Log online at the company website to find a consultant near you at Be ready to discuss your weight and fitness goals.
An introduction and explanation of the program will be given, as well as a discussion on the various Cambridge meal pack options. Health risks and side effects of the program should also be brought up. Clear up any concerns you have about the program.
Start the program
There are four basic programs to choose from. All can deliver dramatic results if followed correctly. It is meant to jump start the diet, then later on help you sustain your weight loss. Start with the fast track program, wherein all meals will be replaced by Cambridge food packs, and no other food will be allowed.
Per day, a person will only consume less than 500 calories a day from eating any three of the diet packs allowed.
After a month, you will move on to the Alternate plan. Under the Alternate plan, day one will consist of consuming only the Cambridge food packs. The next day, three servings of he food packs are allowed along with a low fat and low calorie meal of only 400 to 800 calories.
This system is alternated until goals are achieved. The first two parts of the plan will give you the most dramatic weight loss, but will be the hardest to complete.
Maintain the weight loss
When you are ready to move on to the regular program, a food pack is consumed fifteen minutes prior to eating a low calorie and low fat meal.
This is done for three meals. For the entire day, the total caloric consumption cannot exceed 800 calories. Food packs are eventually lessened until you only consume one food pack a day and one food pack snack.
Remove the don’ts from your diet
Water should be what you should be drinking. Avoid coffee with milk, all sodas and carbonated beverages, as well as alcohol.
It is a difficult plan to follow, especially at the start, because of the low calorie and restrictive nature of the plan.
However, it will deliver results, especially if you want to lose 20 pounds. If you don’t mind making a few sacrifices and want to exercise your self-control, consider the Cambridge diet.
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