Sleeping the night away should be a natural part of your day. However, for many people, it is quite difficult to do so. Because of late night habits, stress and modern technology, sleep has become elusive. It’s now difficult for many people to get a good night’s rest.
Here are some dos and don’ts you can try out so that you can sleep the night away.
Do go to sleep the same time each night
You need to have a stable circadian rhythm so you can have a regular sleep cycle. Going to bed at about the same time each night will help you wake up the same time each morning. Avoid late nights out. Don’t go to bed later than 10pm or 11pm at night so that you can get some restful sleep. Keep in mind that the hours you sleep before midnight are the most recuperative and is when the growth hormone is release.
Do invest in a good bed
A good mattress will go a long way in ensuring that you can sleep the night away. Get the best bed you can afford.
For many people, a memory foam mattress or mattress topper can help significantly improve sleep. If your back is well supported and your body feels relaxed, you will sleep well.
In the same manner, buy a good pillow with ample support. Finally, use good sheets and blankets. Go for the highest thread count you can find. A comfortable bed will help you sleep better.
Do take a warm bath or shower before going to sleep
To help you sleep better, take a bath or shower before hitting the sack. While you are in the shower, imagine the stress and worries of the day going down the drain as you rinse.
Let the warm water soothe your muscles and help you relax. Use an aromatherapy bath wash to indulge your senses and give you a feeling of well being.
Do block out noise and light in your room
If you want to have uninterrupted sleep, make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. Some people like to sleep with a white noise machine, although ideally, you should sleep in silence. Turn off the TV and turn down the lights to signal your body that it’s time to rest.
Don’t drink caffeine after lunch
What you eat may be causing you to stay up late. Caffeine is the number one culprit when it comes to the inability to make you fall asleep.
Avoid taking it after 2pm since it takes the body anywhere from five to eight hours to metabolize it out of your system. Also, avoid overeating or eating so late at night since it will disrupt your sleep cycle.
Don’t exercise at least four hours before going to bed. Exercise is best done in the morning when the endorphins will give you the boost of energy.
If you exercise before going to bed, you’ll have a hard time unwinding since your heart rate is up. You should only be doing leisure things before going to bed.
Try any of these suggestions and you should find that you can sleep much better at night.
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