How To Slow Down the Aging Process Naturally

Aging, it is inevitable. You can never stop the aging process. All you can do is mask it, hide it or slow it down through a host of both natural and unnatural means.

Of course the best way to slow down the aging process is through natural methods. Some of these methods are found below.

Eat healthy

You have heard and read this advice countless times. Mostly from doctors, health gurus and people who have been practicing a healthy way of life.

Eating the right foods means ingesting less processed foods and more fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and good carbohydrates.

Stay away from sodium and sugar rich foods that may taste good but can wreak havoc to your system. Eat more fiber and foods that are rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Watch your portions and your caloric intake. It is better to eat 6 small meals than 3 huge ones. Don’t go on unhealthy diets or take slimming supplements.

Drink lots of water

There is nothing better than clean, fresh water. Water hydrates the body and helps your organs perform their work better. Eight glasses is recommended but you can always drink more.

Water will cleanse your system and flush the toxins out of your body. If there is no water available find a substitute that is not full of sodium or sugar. Even so-called diet drinks are not entirely healthy for the body.

Get moving

A sedentary lifestyle does not do your body any good. There are many ways to get physical. Take up a sport like swimming or cycling.

Find an exercise routine you enjoy. Pilates, yoga and Tai-chi are great for older individuals because these exercises are gentle to the body. Go outdoors and walk. Walking is the cheapest, easiest exercise you can do.

If you exercise at least 5 days a week, you can shave off a few years from your life. Exercise is good for the heart, lowers blood pressure and your blood sugar levels. Since exercise boosts your immune system, you get sick less often.

Sleep regularly

The notion that as you get older, you need less sleep is not exactly true. Your body needs rest. It is when you are sleeping that it is able to repair and regenerate.

Lack of sleep can manifest itself physically, mentally and emotionally in a negative way. People who don’t get enough rest are crankier, look older and are more prone to illnesses.

Manage stress

You can learn to cope with stress. Meditation and yoga can help relax your mind and spirit. Practice deep breathing exercises daily to increase oxygen in your body and improve blood circulation.

Throw away useless anxieties. They are not worth your health and well-being. Instead, indulge in activities you enjoy.

Use natural products

A number of natural ingredients in your pantry can be used on your body to slow down the aging process. Honey, oatmeal, sugar, coffee and salt based scrubs are great for cleansing and exfoliating.

Olive oil can soften your skin. Try to limit your use of manufactured creams and lotions. Look for natural or organic ones instead.

Aging is a part of life. If you want to slow down the aging process, do it naturally. Shy away from surgical options.

Instead, live a healthy lifestyle, manage your stress and stay away from pollutants including cigarette smoke. Pretty soon, you will notice that you don’t even look close to your biological age.

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