They say that 50 is the new 40. Yeah, right. You can hardly relate to it because at 50, all you see is rolling lards of fat and a bowel movement problem that’s been dogging you lately.
These are some of the realities of aging. At 50, your metabolism really slows down, your bones become more susceptible to damage so hard exercise is out, and you have issues with cholesterol and blood sugar.
But these aren’t reasons enough to stop you from wanting to stay fit! Despite these realities of aging, you can certainly be the best that you can be and still stay fit even at 50! Here’s how!
Watch what you eat and exercise portion control
At this age you have certainly made enough trips to your doctor for you to know what you should or should not eat.
Rich, high-cholesterol, high-sugar, and high-salt foods are definitely out. Lots of fiber is in among other doctor-recommended foods that will keep you physically healthy and strong! In fact, your doctor has probably told you that he prefers a very strict vegan diet for you to follow.
On the occasion where you give in to your cravings for fatty food, you at least have to observe portion control. Stop when you feel the back of your neck throbbing, this could possibly mean that your blood pressure is up.
Get up to 20 minutes of light exercises
Anything as simple as walking and going on the treadmill is enough to get your heart up to good rate. Lethargy is bad for your age so get moving.
But as mentioned, you are not to embark on hard and strenuous exercises at this age unless you have the clearance of your doctor and always with the guidance of a licensed physical fitness trainer.
If you had not been engaging in exercise for a long time, you must not plunge into rigorous exercise or it’s rigor mortis for you!
Go easy on smoking and drinking
Why not quit, you ask? Well at 50, will you have the will power to manage this? Do you think in all honesty that you can lay off the sauce and go cold turkey? If you can do this, good for you. However, if your spirit is willing but your flesh is telling you otherwise, at the very least cut back on both so that your lungs and liver can manage to cushion or take the abuse you so willingly heap on your precious organs.
Clock in the number of hours for snoozeville
In your roaring 20s or easy 30s even, you were able to survive on a few hours’ sleep. This is no longer the case in your 50s. Your doctor will advice you to prioritize rest and sleep over the pressing matters of running a business even staying up all night for it. Working is great because it keeps you busy but you need to have the wisdom to show restraint.
Enroll in yoga classes
Yoga lessons for people at your age include:
- Asanas
- Kapalabhati
- Sukhasan
- Bidalasana (But only if you don’t have chronic back pain)
- Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Not for people with back injuries)
- Leg raises
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Salabhasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Savasana
Any one of these yoga lessons will keep your body, mind, and spirit sprightly and sharp!
At 50 years old, your goal is to enjoy everything in moderation. One thing that you should have lots of? Belly-laughter and love for life!
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