How To Stretch for a Bodybuilding Competition

A lot of body builders do not take stretching exercises seriously. What they do not appreciate and understand are the numerous benefits that it offers.

Stretching increases flexibility and strength in the muscles, and facilitates muscular and joint mobility and endurance.

What it lessens are the risks of injuries, muscle aches and pains. All in all, stretching exercises integrated with a body building program increases the speed of growth in the muscles.

Because of these benefits, your posture is greatly improved and your movements are more fluid and easy.

There are several types of stretches done for bodybuilding. But for a beginner, static stretches are recommended.

In this particular type of exercise, you need a partner to assist you. As you progress, you can move on to other stretches such as Active and Dynamic stretches, to mention a few.

A bodybuilding competition requires a few stretch exercises to get all the muscles toned up and in best condition.

Before performing these stretches however, warming up must be done first, for about 5-10 minutes. Here are a few basic stretches in preparation for a body building competition.

Do static stretches

Static stretches are one of the most well-known exercises practiced by many. One of the most common is the bending down so that you are able to reach your toes.

This stretch is good for the hamstrings and the lower area of the back. Hold your position for about 30 seconds as far down as you can bear it.

If it hurts too much, be careful not to push yourself too far. Eventually, your body will get used to the exercise and the discomfort lessens, helping you to keep to your position much longer and make your bends deeper each time.

Practice upper body stretches

Get a good grip on a chin up bar, hanging from it for as long as you can endure before your grip loosens up. With this stretching exercise, you will be able to feel your upper torso getting a good workout. Repeat the exercise a few times, altering your grip on the bar, whichever way you prefer.

Perform front deltoid stretches

The deltoids or delts are the thick triangularly shaped muscles covering the shoulder muscles. Using a bar or the handle of a machine that is around as high as your waist, get a grip on it from behind you, with your palms facing the upward direction. Take a step forward to the point where your deltoids are stretched.

Maintain the position for about 30 seconds or longer before going back to your original position. Rest a few seconds and repeat the process.

Do triceps stretches

The triceps muscles are the large muscles located at the back of the upper arms and are mainly responsible for straightening out the arms.

A good stretch exercise to keep the triceps firm and strong is by raising both of your arms above your head. From here, you bend one of your arms going downward at the back of your head.

Now use your free hand to grip your elbow. Pull on your elbow slowly as far as you can, until you can feel the stretch on your triceps. Repeat the procedure on the opposite side.

Whether you are a bodybuilder or not, you can surely benefit from these stretches too. They will help keep you looking fit and trim, and work out all the muscles of your body.

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