How To Stretch Internal Obliques

The internal obliques are a set of abdominal muscles that go around starting from the spinal area all the way to the center of the abdomen.

These particular muscles are located beneath the external obliques. The internal obliques perform functions such as spine flexing and rotating, holding up the contents of the abdomen, and helps in proper breathing.

As with other muscles of the body, internal obliques can benefit well from stretching. When proper stretches are employed, the mobility of the joints is greatly increased, proper blood circulation is facilitated, and the risk of sustaining injuries during strenuous sports activities is prevented. Here are some great stretches to give your internal obliques a good workout.

Twisting stretches

These stretches not only work on the obliques but on the lower back as well. Lay yourself on a flat surface and bend your knees while keeping both of your feet planted on the ground. Stretch out your arms on both sides of your body, palms facing downwards.

Take a deep breath and let your bended knees fall toward your left side together. Keep both shoulders flat on the floor as you do this.

You can push your knees and keep them in place for a few seconds, taking deep breaths as you do so. Exhale as you return to original position. Repeat the process going to the opposite side this time.

The exercise ball

A good stretch for both external and internal obliques, especially for those who sit all day, is making use of an exercise ball.

Lower back and hip pains can also be relieved with this type of stretch. Sit down on the exercise ball.

Let your feet walk out as you lean back, allowing your back to roll on the ball until it is positioned close to your shoulders.

Stretch out your legs and let both your arms hang on your sides. Keep your abdomen and your hips hanging loosely away from your exercise ball.

This will give your internal obliques a good stretch. Stay in that position while taking deep breaths. After this, start to get your feet to walk back inwards to a sitting position.

Yoga stretches

There are several yoga poses you can do focusing on stretching out your internal obliques. The dancer’s pose is one of the most effective as it can also develop better balance.

Stand erect with both feet together. Take a deep breath as you raise your left arm, stretching over your head. While doing this, bring up your other foot going towards the direction of your buttocks, while holding your ankle with your right hand.

When you begin exhaling, let your left arm fall in front and start pushing your left foot backward as you lean forward.

When you are properly balanced, raise up both your arm and your foot up to as high as you can and maintain the position for around 10 seconds. As you inhale, slowly relax. Repeat the process on the opposite side this time.

Make sure to do some warm-up and cooling down exercises before doing your more rigorous stretches.

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