Taking a nap is a great way to revive and rejuvenate yourself. A power nap can give you that added energy to complete the rest of the day.
It’s also a fantastic way to catch up on some sleep, especially if you’ve had a late night out.
Contrary to popular belief, taking a nap doesn’t make you lazy. In fact, you can stay up later at night and have more energy during the sluggish afternoon if you take one.
It’s more restorative than drinking a cup of coffee. If you want to get the most out of your nap, here’s how you can go about it.
It’s easier to sleep when you’re not hungry. In fact, one of the best naps you can have is after you have eaten a good lunch.
Eating carbohydrates releases serotonin in the system, which helps you fall asleep. However, make sure you’re not uncomfortably full.
Find a comfortable place
The best place to take a nap is in your bedroom in your own bed. Since this will be most familiar to you, you won’t have to toss and turn in order to fall asleep.
Place some nice fluffy pillows and clean sheets on your bed. If you don’t have access to your room or a bed, you can also take a nap on a comfortable couch.
If you’re at work, find an empty conference room and slump over a table.
Wear comfortable clothing
Your clothes have to be loose and not too constricting. Make sure you’re not too hot or too cold. If you’ve been out on errands, change to your sweats or your stay at home clothes.
Darken the room
If you want to fall asleep right away, it’s best to take out as much light as possible. Turn off the lights in the room. Close the curtains and the blinds.
If you have drapes in your bedroom, use it to make the room as dark as possible.
Make sure the room is cool enough
A cool room is more comfortable than a warm one. If there’s no natural breeze in your room, use an electric fan. If it’s a really hot day, use the air conditioner. You won’t get a good nap if you’re hot and sweaty.
Use aromatherapy
If you need a little help, spray your room with some lavender aromatherapy spray. It will make your sheets smell nice and fresh and also help you relax. When you’re relaxed, you’ll be able to take a great nap.
Ask not to be disturbed
One of the most important things you need to do so you can have a great nap is to get some uninterrupted naptime.
If you have kids, tell them to take a nap in their rooms as well. As a last resort, you can pop in a video while you take a quick power nap. Close the door and tell everyone not to knock or come in so you can get some rest.
Don’t sleep too long
A nap is meant to last no more than an hour. If your nap is too long, it can confuse your body clock, making it more difficult for you to sleep later at night.
Also, try not to nap too late in the day. It’s best to take the nap before 3pm. Ideally, good nap times are between 1pm to 3pm.
If you nap after that time, you may have a difficult time waking up or even going to sleep at night.
Indulge yourself in a great nap. Many cultures take a siesta to relax so don’t feel guilty if you’re feeling tired and sleepy in the afternoon. Go ahead and enjoy a great nap!
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